Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

On your tour to the Holy Land you will have the opportunity to visit one of the new Seven Wonders of the World in the lowest place on earth (417 meters below sea level) The Dead Sea. Due to the quantity of water that evaporates from the lake being greater than the water that flows into it on a daily basis, the Dead Sea has the highest concentration of salt in the world (340 grams per liter of water).

“Walk where Jesus walked” is never more meaningful in your holy land tour then in Capernaum – referred as Jesus “own town” (Matt. 9:1). In Capernaum sit on the ancient synagogue with a foundation still present, and where Luke writes was built by a centurion whose servant Jesus healed (Luke 7:3-5). Capernaum is where Jesus began his teachings, this is where he taught (Mark 1:21; John 6:59) and made miracles by healing a man possessed by a demon (Mark 1:23-27), and where Jesus raised from the dead the daughter of this synagogue’s leader (Luke 8:49-53).