Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

The region of the Galilee is a powerful and uplifting place to visit on a tour to the holy land for Christian pilgrims. It is where the slopes and hills of the Galilee reach down to the most famous lake in the Bible, the Sea of Galilee the largest fresh water lake in Israel.

The region of the Galilee is a powerful and uplifting place to visit on a tour to the holy land for Christian pilgrims. It is where the slopes and hills of the Galilee reach down to the most famous lake in the Bible, the Sea of Galilee the largest fresh water lake in Israel.

Matthew writes 4:13,  Jesus went from Nazareth, in the heart of Galilee, to Capernaum by the shore of the lake they called Genesaret. Here he gathered his first disciples – fisherman whom he found casting their nets from the shallows (Matt. 4:18). In the Galilee you will walk where Jesus walked along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, in the very place where the disciples lived and worked as fisherman every day, and where you will see the Bible come to life.

On a Christian tour to Israel, you can experience and understand why Jesus chose fishermen for his first apostles, “the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake” (Matt. 13:47). The Sea of Galilee was also the landscape setting for the feeding of the 5,000 (Matt. 15:32-37) with a few loaves and fishes. There are also revered testaments of miraculous fishing and catches at the Sea of Galilee, especially that in John 21, when Peter was recruited by Jesus (John 21:15-17).

When on a tour to Israel, sailing in the Sea of Galilee, the lowest freshwater lake on Earth is very popular with Christian tours. The lake is fed by underground springs, although its main source is the Jordan River where Jesus was later Baptized by John the Baptist at around age of 32, and it is in this very area around in the Galilee where he begins his ministry.

In the northern Galilee, hills and mountains raise up on either side of the valley highway that once led to the ancient kingdoms. Here you will come to Hazor, conquered by Joshua and created by Solomon. You will also find the Dan, where you can stand at the High Place that despite Jeroboam’s efforts was no match for Jerusalem, and Caesarea at the headwaters of the Jordan, where Jesus asked his disciples “who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:27).