Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is an alternate location of prayer and reflection, believed by some to be a possible location of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Here you can also see a rock formation that perhaps is the one mentioned in the bible as Golgotha or also known as "Calvary."

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is an alternate location of prayer and reflection, believed by some to be a possible location of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Here you can also see a rock formation that perhaps is the one mentioned in the bible as Golgotha or also known as "Calvary."

No matter the exact place of these events in Jerusalem both the Church of the Holy Sepluchre, as well as the Garden Tomb, provide for a beautiful yet different holy land tour experience to read from the Gospel, and reflect about the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

The Garden Tomb is a quiet beautiful place ideal for prayer in a garden setting. There are places to sit and rest along the Garden, drinking water and pleasant tourist facilities, including provision for the disabled with very good wheelchair access along the entire grounds. The Garden Tomb also offers a gift shop with nice souvenirs to bring back from your Christian holy land tour of Israel.
The Israeli Tour Guides’ Association recently named the Garden Tomb as a one of the great Christian tour site in Israel, and among a popular stop during our escorted Christian tours of Jerusalem.