Nowhere is Jesus' life better documented than in the Holy Bible and now, more than ever, the call to follow in His footsteps in the Holy Land among the barren hills and lush plains, where man's spirit learned to soar, spreading a new message of hope, is reverberating around the Christian world. "...and many peoples shall come, and say; 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths.' For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:3-4).
There is no place on earth like Israel, this is where Christians travel to Israel to feel the events of Jesus' life coming alive before their eyes and in their hearts - and to realize a dream, while enjoying a modern, vibrant country with golden beaches, stunning vistas and a wealth of cultural and entertainment activities.
History of the Holy Land go back over 5000 years, bearing witness to the fact that this has never been a quiet, peaceful region. Straddling the divide between Africa and Asia, it has almost always been a battleground. Wave after wave of conquerors have poured into it, anxious to control the strategic trade routes linking the centers of the ancient world. With almost monotonous regularity, sovereignty swung from one victorious power to the next.
During the time of Roman rule in the Middle East, about 2000 years ago, an event took place that was to shape human history from that time on. This momentous event was the birth of Jesus, the son of the carpenter Joseph and Mary his wife, in a manger in Bethlehem, because "there was no room in the inn." He grew to manhood in Nazareth, moved among the people of Galilee and Jerusalem and gained recognition as a preacher and performer of miracles. He died on the cross in Golgotha and bequeathed Christianity to the world. His life and teachings have affected hundreds of millions of people around the world, changing the course of history, Nowhere else on earth do the events of Jesus' life come alive as here, in the Holy Land. Nowhere is His life better documented than in the Holy Bible, For nearly two millennia, Christian pilgrims from all over the world have come to the Holy Land, land of their spiritual heritage, and with Bible in hand, have walked in the places He walked, praying in the places He preached and prayed.