Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

Before traveling to Israel on your Holy Land Tour it’s important to know local weather. Israel is privileged with long, warm and dry summers during the months of April to October, and in general mild winters from November to March, with little to nor rainfall, and cooler weather specially in the hill regions such as Jerusalem and Safed.

Before traveling to Israel on your Holy Land Tour it’s important to know local weather. Israel is privileged with long, warm and dry summers during the months of April to October, and in general mild winters from November to March, with little to nor rainfall, and cooler weather specially in the hill regions such as Jerusalem and Safed.

Regional temperatures vary considerably in Israel, with humid summers and mild winters in the coastal areas; dry summer months and moderately cold winters in the hill areas; hot summers and pleasant winters in the Jordan Valley, and year round semi-desert temperatures and conditions in the Negev region.

In the southern area of Israel weather extremes range from an occasional winter that may include snowfall to the mountain areas with normal extreme heat and dry winds that send temperatures soaring, in particular in spring and autumn months.

Average Temperature in Israel

For a complete look at annual temperatures and forecast prior to your Christian tour to Israel see Israel Meteorological Services.