The Roman Catholic Church Ecce Homo Church meaning in Latin “Behold the man,” is located in the heart of the historic Old City of Jerusalem on the famous Via Dolorosa. Thousands of Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land each year walk right beneath its arch, and not realize the remains from first-century Jerusalem. All Jerusalem renowned holy land sites are within easy walking distance and Ecce Homo itself is a location revered by Christians for its importance in the Passion of Jesus.
The church is today part of The Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion, and contains one arch of a Roman gateway, which crosses the Via Dolorosa walkway outside the church. The words in the scriptures Behold the Man, are attributed to Pontius Pilate in the Gospel of John (John19:5), when he presented a scourged Jesus Christ, bound and crowned with thorns, to a hostile crowd. The New Testament says that Jesus was dressed in fake royal attire to mock the claim that he was "King of the Jews" (Mark 15) (John 19).
Archaeologists believe the arch stood on a great plaza constructed by the Roman Emperor Hadrian when he rebuilt Jerusalem in AD 135, nearly a century after Jesus was crucified. But many consider that it was more likely that Pilate judged Jesus at Herod the Great‘s palace, on the site of the modern Citadel inside the Jaffa Gate.
The Church and Congregation of Notre Dame de Sion, offers hospitality to all and pride themselves in receiving Holy Land tours and guests from all over the world, as Christian pilgrim groups or individuals. The simple Basilica is housed within the complex and visitors are at liberty to enter for reflection and prayer.